XML element query, XML proximity search, full-text search

“state of the art” search

searchxml provides various search strategies for structured and unstructured data.

It combines XML element query, XML proximity search, and full-text search to create a scaleable, fast, and complete content retrieval and analysis solution.

XML repository with a wide range of interfaces:

  • ready made WEB based interfaces
  • documented HTTP Interface
  • WEB DAV interface to repository
  • maintain content as easy as your file system
  • content converters for on the fly XML conversion
  • interface for legacy content conversion


  • full XPATH 2.0 support (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/)
  • full XPATH 2.0 fulltext support (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-full-text-10/)
  • support of complete XPATH 2.0 function set (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/)
  • structured and unstructured queries
  • ranking support
  • stopwords lists
  • thesaurus integratiom
  • high performance even on large XML repositories

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Posted in searchxml.